This has been the busiest week of my mission so far!!! Oh boy... My companion and i have seen so many miracle this week. We've gotten 5 new investigators and they all have great potential. It just seems like so many opportunities have been given to us this week to find people and start teaching them. I think we've booked our schedule pretty full next week for teaching appointments. A lot of the investigators we have right now are kind of in a plateau of growth and progression. We've been praying and studying a lot for them, but it's just hard. So the new investigators that we got this week were super exciting for us. I feel like it's been a huge blessing. We had zone conference and mission conference this week, Both were super spiritual experiences that i learned and grew so much from. I feel like i'm already starting to build relationships with other missionaries and the mission staff. It makes you feel like you're a lot more a part of the mission when you get to know others and they start to know you. It's just felt really good to meet so many new friends that are all great people. It makes you feel like you're apart of something really cool. Elder Perry came and spoke to us at mission conference and that was so amazing. He doesn't seem as old as he is.... He's so full of life and he's so fast!!!! He moves around like a little old race car. Anyways, he was really funny. He taught us about the importance of a strong companionship. We go out and teach in 2's for a reason. The spirit was so strong, but of course that's how it's going to be when an Apostle of the Lord is talking to you... We bumped into Elder Oaks again.... I don't know how i'm going to get used to that... OH! Apparently, we're going to get tickets for each session of conference. Our mission is going to give us some, plus the Stake that we're in always takes care of the missionaries for conference. We'll be able to take a few investigators as well. So we're pretty excited about that. I can't believe that I've been in the field for a month already. The spiritual growth has been so cool to recognize and see within myself and my companionship. I'm really hoping we don't get transferred, because next transfer will be Elder Ackley's last and i would like to be with him. Plus this is a great missionary-minded area. The leaders are so good and really understand what we're doing here. The first 6 weeks of my mission have flown by so fast. I'm loving every bit of it though. I love and miss everyone back home, especially my loving and caring Taylor and our puppy. :)

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