Monday, August 11, 2014


This has been a really awesome week for Elder Bass and me. We've had some really, really solid lessons this week with a few of our investigators. The Spirit has been so strong, probably stronger than I've ever been able to recognize before. We've been studying Ether 12:27 a lot this week, and Alma 32. We've used them both a lot with our lessons and those we've been visiting. Applying the principle of humility is a lot harder than it looks. But I feel like when we do and we rely on the Lord, our lessons go SO much better. The Spirit is there so much more, and the people we are teaching respond in such better ways. A really cool miracle that we saw this week was one of our investigators that hadn't been progressing at all, finally decided to come to church. We invited her to be baptized as well, but she said she wasn't ready YET. But she knows that she should, and I think she has the desire as well. She's just scared. We're teaching an older couple named Vicki and Evan. They moved up here from Arkansas, and you all know how I love my southerners. ;) We started visiting them and helping them around their garden. Then they started asking questions about our church, and we've been teaching them ever since. They've been SO prepared for the Gospel though. They just left their church because of a bad experience and because it came out and supported homosexuality. They don't drink coffee, tea, alcohol, or smoke. Vicki's read the Book of Mormon 3 times already. She's a huge intellectual thinker, and loves to ask questions. They came to church on Sunday, and said they really enjoyed it. We had a total of 6 investigators at church this Sunday. It was awesome. Members were coming to say hi and introduce themselves to our investigators. It’s the coolest thing to see. SO!!! If you see someone you don't know, or maybe someone sitting with the missionaries, THEN GO SAY HI AND TALK TO THEM LIKE THEY ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! Trust me, it makes a world of difference to them. Anyways, we're preparing 3 people for baptism right now, and they're amazing people. I love them a lot. :) We have a huge stake-wide church open house coming up on Friday and Saturday this week. The stake has put billboards up in the town, newspaper articles, and radio spots. We're going around and handing out fliers and inviting members to find people to bring. It should be a really cool thing for the stake and lighting a fire under the members for missionary work. I love and miss you all. And of course, I love and miss Taylor and Ralphie the most!! :) 

Love, Elder Clark

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